Say Boon was appointed Non-Executive Director and chair of the Audit and Risk Committee of SMEC in 2019. He is currently also Chief Investment Strategist for CGS-CIMB Securities, Non-Executive Director of Ixom Holdings Pty Ltd, and Senior Advisor to asset management company Premia Partners Co Ltd.
He was previously a Non-Executive Director of Changi Airports International and Nikko Asset Management Asia. Throughout a long career in banking and finance, Say Boon had also served as Chief Investment Officer for DBS Bank and Chief Investment Strategist for Standard Chartered Bank, Wealth Management and Private Banking.

The Board is responsible for formulating SMEC’s strategic direction and maintaining good corporate governance. Acting on behalf of shareholders, the Board is accountable for SMEC’s financial and operational performance.
The Board is independent of management and has a good balance of skills and experience to ensure transparency and sustained long-term growth.