Our world is literally a fun park of information. One that we share across all of our service lines, and we are getting better at analysing it every day.
In our unique position, we provide both products and consulting services. Which is a great spot to be in as we know every data end point we can work with. However, with so much information we need to collaborate with providers that help us sift through everything. We work with them on establishing the data types and how they interact or overlap to give us some interesting facts. Rocketing us right into the machine learning states that whiz through it all, learning and processing information like the matrix we were imagining before.
The data we collect will then start to produce their own insights. From voice recognition being converted and analysed with Artificial Intelligence (AI) to tell us how designs are received; through to performance analytics identifying how an asset is performing and what, if anything, needs to be altered to reach its maximum life expectancy. Our data connects with the internet of things and we start to control and manage solutions from there. This helps SMEC enter the world of ‘as-a-service’. Software-as-a-service, Platform-as-a-service…well let’s just call it Insights-as-a-service and bundle it all together. Basically, it is converting all of our data and using it in a smarter and unique way to provide new bespoke services to our clients.
Providing a smart service is one piece to the overall solution we provide. With all of that data we now have to immerse everyone into what that data means. The days are gone when a 2,000-page report will suffice. Let’s not even mention those graphs and pie charts. We want you to experience the information and alter and change it to suit what you were imagining. This is when that world you couldn’t dream about comes to life. We use that data to test the solution and generate the environment that works best for our clients’ projects, and most of all our communities. We immerse the data with the visual and take you on a sensory journey where you experience sight, sound, and energy or gravity. Connecting you closer to the world that is coming. Closer to the world we all imagine. That is the SMECs integrated smart service.
If you want to learn more about SMEC and how we build smart services, come along to the CeBIT conference on Tuesday 15th May in Sydney and see Belinda Hodkinson on the keynote panel – Building smart services through data, collaboration and IoT.

A career path leading to SMEC is often a diverse one – that was certainly true for Libby Paholski.

Make no mistake, in 2018 gender is on the agenda. From pay parity to the gender gap, to women in leadership roles, the discourse regarding the role of women in traditionally male-dominated workforces is taking poll position.