SMEC Foundation
So They Can (STC) is a long term charity partner, offering support to orphans and vulnerable children in Tanzania and Kenya. Their mission is to help break the poverty cycle through quality education.

The SMEC Foundation has helped to fund two projects in the Babati Rural District of Manyara (Tanzania). Schools in the Babati Rural District face many issues such as teacher deficit, deficient infrastructure, inadequate educational resources, and limited access to clean water.

Thank you to Sam Busbridge and Steph Xavier of the Busbridge Family and SMEC staff in East Africa for your assistance in delivering these programs.

Water for Schools

The water for school’s project will provide boreholes at 14 public primary schools with water supply recently completed at Endamaghai and Mwikantsi. At both schools, children can now access clean water on site.

SMEC employees in our Tanzania office have been actively involved in supporting the project at a local level, helping to conduct surveys to determine the depth of the water table and preparing a cost schedule to support procurement and implementation. The boreholes will provide a safe water supply to support education opportunities for children.

School Improvement Project

The SMEC Foundation and Busbridge Family have also provided funding for the STC School Improvement Project which will provide support for four schools. The project has the following aims:

  • Improve education infrastructure through the construction/renovation of classrooms, toilets and changing rooms
  • Provide sufficient equipment and training development to support learning
  • Establish health and feeding programs to improve retention rates

The School Improvement Project will construct and renovate learning and teaching rooms in three program-supported primary schools as part of an initiative to equip primary schools with infrastructure and resources to create safe and engaging school environments.  Two new classrooms and one office were planned at Ayamango Primary School, while renovations are planned for two classrooms and an office at Gijedabung Primary School and four classrooms at Hallu Primary School.

At the end of 2022, major construction at two of the primary schools was completed, with the completion of renovations for the third school subject to receiving additional government funding.