Oloro is a highly skilled professional who has been a Project Director on numerous projects funded by the World Bank, African Development Bank, UN agencies, governments, and private sector.
Oloro has over 18 years of experience in 12 African countries and the USA in the fields of environmental management; agriculture and irrigation; environmental and social impact assessment (ESIA); strategic environmental and social assessments (SESA); integrated water resources management (IWRM); catchment or watershed management; erosion control; climate change resilience; solid waste management; environmental planning and monitoring; project management, planning, coordination, technical oversight, and delivery.
His expertise include studies and design in various sectors, such as agriculture and irrigation schemes; dams and river works; water supply and wastewater systems; hydropower schemes; power transmission lines and sub-stations; regional master planning; and solid waste management.
He has a Bachelor degree with Honours in Agricultural Engineering (Environmental Engineering) from Texas A&M University in the United States and holds a Ph.D Agricultural and Environmental Engineering from Cornell University in the United States. Dr. Oloro is a member of the International Association for Ecology and the American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers (ASABE).