The Tbilisi Development Fund has engaged SMEC to develop the Dighomi floodplain rehabilitation strategy.

The Dighomi Floodplain is an area of special conservation interest, which includes riparian forest, protected Otter habitat and other unique flora and fauna ecosystems that have been assessed as critical by the International Finance Corporate Performance Standard. The project forms part of a wider Asian Development Bank initiative which aims to improve urban and tourism infrastructure and associated services across the capital.


In developing the Dighomi Floodplain Strategy SMEC will mobilise an international team comprising Urbanist, Forester, Biodiversity expert and Urban Planner supported by a number of local specialists in Geographic Information Systems, Hydrology and Geology.


SMEC’s role includes:

  • Prepare baseline data to assess the importance of the riparian forest and floodplains for the city ecology
  • Align to Asia Development Bank standards and national objectives such as the Liveable Cities Investment Program
  • Plan for the restoration and conservation of the riparian forest and floodplain
  • Identify and engage with local stakeholders as necessary to expedite the project
  • The core principle of the strategy will be environmental protection and preservation of unique characteristics of the riparian forest.


Our team looks forward to working with the Tbilisi Development Fund and the Asian Development Bank to support this important conservation effort.