Engineer – Roads and Highways


Growing up, I enjoyed maths and problem solving at school. My dad encouraged me to study engineering as he knew I loved maths, solving problems and was good at working in teams. I enrolled even though I wasn’t really sure what engineering meant, and I’m so glad I did!


As a Civil Engineer at SMEC, I work on major infrastructure projects that help to move and connect people, and improve how we live and travel. Better infrastructure creates a future that is better connected and more sustainable, improves the efficiency and safety of transport networks, and makes our city environments more liveable. I like that I can think innovatively and develop strategies with a great team.


Engineering is an exciting and changing space as, for example, digital engineering shifts the way we deliver infrastructure projects. Digital engineering involves creating a three-dimensional model of a project that’s embedded with data which improves how projects are planned, designed, constructed and maintained, and allows for improved visualisation of the project. We’re changing the way we generate and treat data that can be applied across the whole life-cycle of a project. Also, with innovations like driver-less cars on the rise, there will definitely be changes to how we design infrastructure!


When I’m not on site or in the office, I often get involved with Engineers Australia STEM events and career nights, helping school students and their parents understand more about engineering as a career. Along with some of my colleagues, we showcase our project environments using Virtual Reality and sometimes run team challenges like building a dam to retain water out of paddle pop sticks. In fact, many of my colleagues at SMEC are active in promoting STEM careers to girls through school or industry events. It’s really motivating and inspiring to see the desire for innovation that the next generation of engineers will bring, with fresh ideas to help solve the world’s complex problems.


I would like to see every young girl able to envisage herself as an engineer or other STEM career if that’s what interests her, especially if she enjoys maths, problem solving, physics or chemistry at school, if she’s great at thinking strategically and finding innovative solutions. I’m lucky to work with many amazing females (and males!) who are fantastic at their jobs and most of all having a positive impact on society and improving liveability.