Flinders Ports engaged SMEC to evaluate multiple elements of its operations, including all container loading quay cranes located at the Port Adelaide Container Terminal and Flinders Logistics Terminal.
Meticulous investigation informs recommendations
SMEC’s team conducted detailed research on and investigations of the Port’s floating plant assets, mobile assets, storage and handling facilities and associated infrastructure. The aim was to provide an evidence-based set of detailed work instructions and processes that could be used as a base line for all ongoing maintenance and inspection activities across a range of different asset classes.
This included a complete review of all relevant literature ranging from current maintenance processes, original equipment manufacturer (OEM) documentation, and appropriate Australian and International Standard legislation.
In collaboration with our client and based on the research findings, our team developed recommended maintenance approaches for all asset classes, along with detailed work instructions including risk assessments, schedules and bills of materials. These were delivered to our client for inclusion in their computerised maintenance management system (CMMS) for ongoing asset management and maintenance by the maintenance teams and service partners.
The outcomes of this project support better alignment with legal and industry compliance requirements; safe, predictable and efficient operations through calculated maintenance activities; improved risk management and cost reduction.