Trunk Road 9/1 (Route N1) Widening Project
In May 2013, the Western Cape Government’s Department of Transport and Public Works appointed SMEC South Africa to provide the full scope of professional services for the Trunk Road 9/1 (Route N1) Widening – a freeway improvement project aimed at reducing traffic congestion and improving traffic safety over 8 km of freeway between Jip de Jager Avenue and Durban Road in Cape Town.

SMEC South Africa has played a vital role in the project for seven years, beginning with planning and then developing to concept and viability, design development, documentation and procurement, contract administration and construction supervision. The project was closed out in 2020.


Challenges on a major freeway widening project


The existing four-lane basic dual carriageway needed to be widened to a six-lane cross-section by removing the grassed median island and building two inner lanes separated by a concrete median barrier. With approximately 120,000 vehicles travelling along the route during the morning inbound and afternoon outbound peaks, accommodating the large volume of traffic on one of Cape Town’s busiest roads was a significant challenge.


Additional road works included the upgrading of three interchanges and the construction of new auxiliary lanes between the interchanges on both inbound and outbound carriageways.


Structural work included the demolition and reconstruction of the Old Oak West Bridge over the freeway. Ancillary works included a new street light system, new traffic signals at all interchanges and the removal and replacement of all overhead sign gantries.


A team of specialists collaborate for success


The planning and design of the project involved specialists across multiple disciplines. Despite the complexities involved, SMEC South Africa successfully delivered this mammoth project on time and within budget, with our client commending the outcome.

SMEC South Africa successfully delivered this project within the constraints of the high traffic environment, while keeping the road user and the greater public well informed. This is a true example of the citizen-centric value that the Western Cape Provincial Government strives for.
———— Melanie Hofmeyr, Chief Director, Road Design, Department of Transport and Public Works, Western Cape Government.


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Talk to one of our specialists about our role on the Trunk Road 9/1 (Route N1) Widening Project.