Driving sustainable water management and infrastructure across the entire water cycle

Water sits at the core of sustainable development and is fundamental to a thriving society. It permeates all facets of community life and underpins many aspects of the UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

SMEC shares the UN vision and is working with global agencies to help address the challenges posed by pollution and climate change, to secure the transition to greener, more inclusive economies. Working across the full spectrum of water collection, treatment and distribution, we deliver sustainable outcomes that balance the competing demands of the community, the environment and economic viability.


Our integrated water and environmental services have been applied to some of the largest water and environment projects around the world and include natural resource management, land use and coastal management, irrigation services and environmental planning and assessments.


Our expertise in water infrastructure and management is enhanced by long-standing associations with international development agencies, governments and educational institutions. Our global capabiliy has been applied to renewable energy production, climate resilient solutions for flood and drought, integrated health programs, and clean water supply systems at a national scale. In the renewable energy space we are delivering nation building infrastructure which incorporate sophisticated irrigation systems to help combat climate change. In some of the worlds most remote locations, we have delivered national programs to upgrade waste water and sanitation systems to facilitate poverty reduction, economic growth and environmental sustainability.


Across our family of brands, we continue to draw on the expertise of the Surbana Jurong Group of companies, investing in research, development and new technology to enhance our service offering and provide improved infrastructure developments to communities worldwide.


Irrigation & Agriculture
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Water Supply
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Stormwater Management
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Wastewater Management
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Water Resources
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Talk to one of our specialists about our Water & Wastewater solutions.