AU$44,000 was raised by the Alliance on the Northern Busway and an independent charity, the Helpful Foundation.
SMEC is part of the Northern Busway Alliance, a key feature of this project is the building of a new bus station at the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital (RBWH).
In a move to support the hospital, the Alliance agreed to donate to a charity aligned with the RBWH. A total of AU$44,000 was raised by the Alliance on the Northern Busway and an independent charity, the Helpful Foundation. The money was used to purchase physiological monitoring systems for pre-term babies at the hospital. SMEC’s total contribution was AU$11,000, including AU$6,000 from SMEC’s Brisbane office and a further AU$5,000 from the SMEC Foundation.
Talk to one of our specialists about our role on the Royal Brisbane and Women’s Hospital Project.